Tyres – What you need to know

Whatever car you drive, the condition of your tyres plays an important factor in how your car grips the road and ultimately how safe you are.  Having a descent grip is incredibly important as it is the only part of the vehicle which is in contact with the road.  This is critical for not only yours and your passengers safety  but for other road users too. With this in mind it could  be argued that tyres are the most important thing on your car, so why do car owners know so little about them?

To help fill the gap, we have compiled a list of the 5 top things you should be aware of about your car tyres, which will help to keep you safe and legal.

  • The legal minimum tread for your tyre is 1.6mm and must cover a minimum of three quarters breadth of the tyre. Be aware that falling below this minimum legal requirement could result in 3 points on your licence per tyre. If all four are below you could loose your licence all together.
  • Your tyre pressure PSI (Pounds per Square Inch) should be kept at the  vehicle maker and tyre manufacturer recommended levels. The recommended PSI for your car will be found in your car owners manual. The PSI will vary from car to car so it is important to check what is recommended for your vehicle. Weight can also be a factor in influencing tyre pressures.
  • Your  tyres must be compatible with other types of tyres fitted. Mix and matching tyres is not recommended and can be dangerous.
  • Your tyre must not have a cut or tear in excess of 25mm or 10% of the sectional width of the tyre, whichever is greater and must not be deep enough to reach the ply or cord.
  • Whilst it is not a legal requirement to carry a spare, it is recommended that you do so. A spare tyre does not have to meet the legal requirements when it is being stowed however once  fitted to the car, it must meet the same requirements as the rest of your tyres.

It is recommended that you visually check your tyres at least once a week. This visual check only takes a few minutes but can save lives.


If you have any questions about your tyres, Al’s Auto’s will be happy to offer advice and can source new tyres for you when you need them. For further information contact Al’s Auto’s Brecon garage direct: Contact Us




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